Looking for a Good Personal Blog Engine

Shlomi Fish on 2008-05-08T16:26:11

Dear Lazyweb,

I'm looking for a recommendation for a good personal blog engine that I'd install on my site. It should be Free Software (preferably GPL-compatible); it should be Perl, Python or PHP (Perl is preferable), possibly also Ruby; it should be able to use PostgreSQL as a backend; and it should be good: easy to install, mostly works out of the box, easy to extend, with an active developer community, readable (not necessarily too modular) code, good security practices, etc.

Here's what I tried so far:

  1. MovableType - has a weirdo HTML caching system, and ended up putting a lot of world-writable files on my hard disk. Also doesn't work out of the box with recent PostgreSQL's (which is easy to fix).

  2. WordPress - from using it elsewhere I had at least three occassions where it ate my comments and refused to allow me to repost them. Also, it has many bad defaults like non-threaded comments, A single "Submit" button with no preview, no pure-HTML input, and these weird ?id=$INDEX URLs which I hate. All of them can be fixed using Plugins, but it's still an extra hassle.

    It also had a very poor security record, and pkrumins said he isn't content with it for his blog, and working on something from scratch.

There are many other blog engines out there, but I'm looking for a personal recommendation from experience. Comment below or drop me a line. I'll probably blog here about what my final verdict is.